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Fr. Scott Haynes
Sep 28, 20231 min read
Greek Byzantine Chant: Agni Parthene/ Αγνή Παρθένε
Agni Parthene ("O Virgin Pure") is a Greek Marian hymn composed by Nectarios of Aegina in the late 19th century.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Sep 15, 20232 min read
Our Lady of Sorrows
Fr. Scott A. Haynes As we contemplate the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we realized that the Seven Thrusts of the Sword are:...

Fr. Scott Haynes
Sep 4, 20232 min read
Feast of the Nativity of Mary
Celebrate the birthday of Mary. Implore Our Lady for divine assistance and let God's graces flow.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Aug 25, 20234 min read
A Soldier Strikes Our Lady
Read the miraculous story of the icon of Our Lady. A soldier strikes Our Lady but God has the last word.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Aug 22, 20232 min read
The Secret Room of Mary's Heart
Fr. Scott A. Haynes As we consider the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we can examine the various mysteries of the Rosary to gain a rich...

Fr. Scott Haynes
Aug 4, 20239 min read
Our Lady of the Snows
Each year on August 5, we recall the snowy miracle heaven sent by Mary's intercession.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Jul 26, 20233 min read
Meeting at the Golden Gate
In sacred art St. Joachim and St. Anne are often depicted embracing one another before the Golden Gates of the Temple in Jerusalem.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Jul 13, 20231 min read
Three-Day Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Turn to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel to seek her intercession before her beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

Fr. Scott Haynes
May 30, 202318 min read
The Queenship of Our Lady
Fr. Scott Haynes discusses the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a feast we celebrate on May 31st.

Fr. Scott Haynes
May 9, 20234 min read
Devotion of the Three Hail Marys
The devotion to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary is without a doubt one of the most powerful means of salvation and one of the most certain evid

Fr. Scott Haynes
Apr 7, 202315 min read
Behold thy Mother!
At the foot of Calvary, we behold our Savior, sacrificed for sinners. Gazing up at Christ, we gain special insight through Mary's eyes.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Mar 22, 20231 min read
Annunciation Novena
Join us for the Novena of the Annunciation from March 25 - April 2.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Mar 18, 20231 min read
Ancient Prayer to the Queen of Heaven
This is a powerful ancient prayer to Our Lady. The printing press blew up three times when it was attempting to be printed.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Feb 5, 20236 min read
Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes
Pray the novena to Our Lady of Lourdes each year in preparation for her feast or in thanksgiving after, as Our Lady intercedes for the sick.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Jan 27, 20233 min read
Privileges at Our Lady's Altar
A novice, who is guilty of a small infraction, is assigned to kneel at Mary's Altar to await a penance from Our Lady. Hear the amazing story

Fr. Scott Haynes
Jan 8, 20235 min read
St. Joseph's Role in the Holy Family
Learn of St. Joseph's amazing role in the family at Nazareth. This man was chosen above all men protect and guard Jesus and Mary.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Dec 17, 202214 min read
Rorate Caeli
The 4th Sunday of Advent begins with the Introit from the book of the Prophet Isaiah: Rorate Caeli. Learn here the meaning and history.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Nov 26, 20227 min read
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Learn the amazing story of St. Catherine of Laboure and the Virgin Mary's apparitions to her. The miracles of the Miraculous Medal inspire.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Nov 19, 20221 min read
Ave Maria, Music by Rhett Barnwell
Hear this meditative and prayerful Ave Maria by Rhett Barnwell.

Fr. Scott Haynes
Nov 19, 20221 min read
Maria, Mater gratiae, Gabriel Fauré
Mary gracious mother, Sweet fount of mercy, Protect us from the foe and receive us in our hour of death...
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