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Ave Maria (Angelus Domini) by Franz Biebl
VOCES8 and the Ringmasters perform Franz Biebl's setting of the 'Ave Maria' with the 'Angelus Domini' chant. Originally written for men's...

The Pre-Eternal Counsel, Pavel Chesnokov
"Revealing to thee the pre-eternal Counsel, Gabriel came and stood before thee, O Virgin, and in greeting thee, he said, 'Rejoice, earth...

Cherubic Hymn - Lvovsky
Like the cherubim, we must adore the Lord our God. The musical setting of this Byzantine Hymn by Lvovsky stirs the soul.

Tchaikovsky - Hymn of the Cherubim, Op. 41
We, who mystically representing the cherubim and singing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-creating Trinity, let us now lay aside every...

Versa est in luctum - Lobo
Composed in 1598 upon the death of Philip II, Versa est in luctum is a suitably majestic motet for six voices - the music conjuring the...
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