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The Forgotten Creed
Most Catholics know the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed, but most are not familiar with the Athanasian Creed, the forgotten creed.

The Intercessory Power of the Mass
The miraculous Mass of St. Giles shows the tremendous power of mercy that can be obtained at the Altar of God.

Mary's Assumption and Elijah’s Fiery Chariot
Consider how Mary's Assumption has roots in the Old Testament in the person of Eliah, as well as in Enoch and Moses.

A Little Girl Takes a Stand
A young girl in China is inspired to stand up for her faith in Jesus despite the evil around her.

Errors in Understanding the Trinity
Many, in explaining the Trinity, have drifted into error. Following the magisterium of the Church, we avoid wrong teaching.
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