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Annunciation Novena
Beginning on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation, we pray a novena to ask Mary's intercession.
Fr. Scott Haynes

St. Joseph Novena
To prepare for the Feast of St. Joseph (March 19), you are invited to pray the Novena to St. Joseph (March 11-19).
Fr. Scott Haynes

Forty Days of ​Lenten Prayers
Enroll your prayer requests to be remembered in Holy Mass during Lent.
Fr. Scott Haynes

St. Valentine Novena
Beginning on February 14, join in the St. Valentine's novena to pray for your loved ones.
Fr. Scott Haynes

Prayer to Our Lady for the Nation
Offer this prayer by Fr. Chad Ripperger to ask Mary's special intercession for the people and government of the United States of America.
Fr. Scott Haynes
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