Fr. Scott Haynes
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The traditional Octave of the Assumption culminates on August 22 with the Feast of the Immaculate Heart, a time when Catholics reflect on the immense love Our Lady holds for the entire human race. With this love in mind, I encourage you to look to Mary in August with renewed fervency.
Novena to the Immaculate Heart: August 14 - 22
There are many needful things for which we can offer our prayers, in the Church, in the world, and in our families. Let us approach Jesus through Mary and ask her special favor and intercession. A beautiful way we can join our prayers together is through the Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Novena Prayers
You are invited to participate in this novena. We begin on the Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 14) and continue to the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (August 22). Recite the daily prayer (below) during the nine day novena and offer the Solemn Consecration to the Immaculate Heart on the final day.
AUGUST 14-22
O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening,
caring, consoling, hear our prayer. As your children, we implore your
intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion
the petitions we place before you today, especially... (mention your special intentions).
We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for
your prayer. We trust to your gentle care and intercession, those whom we love
and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help all of us, Holy Mother, to bear our
burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory be.
Most Holy Virgin Mary, tender Mother of men, to fulfill the desires
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the request of the Vicar of Your Son on earth,
we consecrate ourselves and our families to your Sorrowful and Immaculate
Heart, O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and we recommend to You,
all the people of our country and all the world. Please accept our consecration,
dearest Mother and use us as You wish to accomplish Your designs in the world.
O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
and Queen of the World, rule over us, together with the Sacred Heart of
Jesus Christ, Our King. Save us from the spreading flood of modern paganism;
kindle in our hearts and homes the love of purity, the practice of a virtuous life,
an ardent zeal for souls, and a desire to pray the Rosary more faithfully.
We come with confidence to You, O Throne of Grace and Mother of Fair Love.
Inflame us with the same Divine Fire which has inflamed Your own Sorrowful and
Immaculate Heart. Make our hearts and homes Your shrine, and through us,
make the Heart of Jesus, together with your rule, triumph in every heart and home. Amen.
Mass for the Immaculate Heart of Mary
A special Mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (August 22) at the conclusion of this Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.