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Writer's pictureFr. Scott Haynes

The Miracle of the Sun and Our Lady of Fatima

Fr. Scott Haynes

On October 13, 1917, in a small Portuguese village called Fatima, a miraculous event unfolded that would be witnessed by tens of thousands of people and reverberate throughout the world. Known as "The Miracle of the Sun," this celestial event, attributed to the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, holds a significant place in the history of Marian apparitions. The message of Fatima and the miraculous phenomenon that accompanied it serve as powerful reminders of faith, the call to conversion, and the divine intervention in human history.


The Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima


The story of Fatima begins in the spring of 1916, when three shepherd children—Lucia dos Santos, and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto—encountered a mysterious figure while tending to their family’s flock in the Cova da Iria. The figure, who identified himself as the "Angel of Peace," appeared to them on three separate occasions, instructing them in prayer and preparing them for what was to come. The following year, on May 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the children for the first time, marking the beginning of six apparitions that would occur over the course of the year, culminating in the Miracle of the Sun.


The apparitions were characterized by a message of penance, prayer, and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady requested that the children, and through them the world, pray the Rosary daily for the conversion of sinners and for peace, especially as World War I was ravaging Europe at the time. She revealed to the children three secrets, including a vision of hell, a prophecy about future world conflicts and the spread of atheistic communism, and a prediction regarding the eventual consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.


While the initial apparitions were greeted with skepticism by many, word of the supernatural encounters soon spread, drawing the attention of both the faithful and the curious. By the time of the sixth and final apparition in October 1917, a large crowd had gathered, eager to witness the promised miracle.


The Miracle of the Sun: Eyewitness Testimonies


On October 13, 1917, despite the torrential rain that had soaked the ground and the tens of thousands of pilgrims who had gathered, the Blessed Virgin Mary once again appeared to the three children. She identified herself as "Our Lady of the Rosary" and reiterated the importance of praying the Rosary for peace and the conversion of sinners. She then promised that the war would soon end, as the world was suffering greatly from the effects of World War I. Before departing, she raised her hand toward the sky, and the miracle that had been foretold to the children began.


What occurred next is one of the most well-documented and astonishing miracles of the 20th century. The rain suddenly ceased, and the clouds parted, revealing the sun, which appeared to spin and dance in the sky. It cast multicolored lights in every direction, illuminating the crowd in hues of blue, red, yellow, and green. The sun seemed to hurl itself toward the earth, creating an intense sensation of heat and fear among those present. Then, just as quickly as it had begun, the phenomenon ended, and the sun returned to its normal place in the sky.


Estimates of the crowd present that day vary, but most accounts agree that between 30,000 and 70,000 people witnessed the Miracle of the Sun. The event was reported not only by the devout but also by skeptics and journalists, including reporters from the secular press. One such journalist, Avelino de Almeida of the newspaper O Século, described the scene as follows:


"Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bare-headed, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws—the sun 'danced,' according to the typical expression of the people."


In addition to the visible phenomenon, many in the crowd reported feeling an intense heat, and the ground, which had been soaked with rain, was suddenly dry, as were the clothes of those who had been drenched.


Scientific Explanations and Skeptical Views


The Miracle of the Sun has been the subject of much debate and speculation, both among believers and skeptics. Some have attempted to explain the phenomenon as a natural atmospheric event, such as a parhelion, or sun dog, caused by the reflection of sunlight through ice crystals in the atmosphere. Others have suggested that the witnesses may have experienced a form of mass hysteria or collective delusion.


However, such explanations fall short when confronted with the sheer scale and consistency of the eyewitness testimonies. Tens of thousands of people, many of whom were not expecting a miracle, reported seeing the same extraordinary events unfold. Furthermore, the fact that the event was observed from as far as 25 kilometers away, as documented by witnesses in nearby towns, suggests that it was not merely a localized atmospheric phenomenon. While naturalistic explanations have been proposed, none have been able to account for all the details of the event, particularly the sudden drying of the ground and the clothes of the onlookers.


One of the most remarkable aspects of the Miracle of the Sun is the diverse range of individuals who witnessed it. In addition to devout Catholics, there were numerous skeptics, atheists, and members of the press present that day, many of whom had come to Fatima with the intention of debunking the children’s claims. Their subsequent testimonies, which corroborated the accounts of the faithful, lend further credence to the authenticity of the event.


The Message of Fatima: A Call to Conversion


The Miracle of the Sun was not an isolated event, but rather the culmination of a series of apparitions in which the Blessed Virgin Mary imparted a message of great urgency to the world. At the heart of this message was a call to conversion, penance, and prayer, particularly through the daily recitation of the Rosary. The apparitions took place during a time of immense global turmoil, as World War I raged across Europe and the seeds of atheistic communism were beginning to take root in Russia. In this context, the message of Fatima can be seen as both a warning and a source of hope.


In her apparitions, Our Lady spoke of the need for reparation for sins and the importance of devotion to her Immaculate Heart. She also warned that if humanity did not turn back to God, another, more devastating war would follow, and Russia would spread her errors throughout the world, leading to the persecution of the Church and the suffering of many innocent people. This prophecy, delivered in 1917, would be fulfilled with the rise of communism and the outbreak of World War II.


In response to these warnings, Our Lady requested the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. She also asked for the establishment of the First Saturday Devotion, in which the faithful are encouraged to attend Mass, receive Holy Communion, and recite the Rosary on the first Saturday of each month, offering these acts in reparation for sins.


Theological Significance of the Miracle


From a theological perspective, the Miracle of the Sun serves as a powerful affirmation of the supernatural reality of the Fatima apparitions and the divine origin of their message. Miracles have long been understood in Catholic theology as signs of God’s presence and intervention in the world, intended to inspire faith and lead people to conversion. The Miracle of the Sun, witnessed by such a large and diverse crowd, can be seen as a dramatic demonstration of God’s power and a reminder of the urgent need for humanity to heed the message of Fatima.


The fact that the miracle occurred in conjunction with the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary also highlights the important role that Mary plays in the economy of salvation. As the Mother of God, she is uniquely positioned to intercede for humanity, and her appearances at Fatima, like those at Lourdes and Guadalupe, serve as reminders of her maternal care and concern for the world. The message of Fatima, with its emphasis on prayer, penance, and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, reflects the Catholic understanding of Mary as the Mediatrix of all graces, through whom God’s mercy flows to the world.


The Miracle of the Sun also echoes biblical themes, particularly those found in the Book of Revelation. In Revelation 12, the Woman clothed with the sun, who gives birth to the Messiah and battles against the forces of evil, is traditionally understood as a figure of both the Church and the Blessed Virgin Mary. The celestial phenomena witnessed at Fatima can be seen as a reflection of this apocalyptic imagery, signaling a spiritual battle between good and evil and the ultimate triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart.


The Enduring Legacy of Fatima


More than a century after the Miracle of the Sun, the message of Fatima continues to inspire and challenge Catholics around the world. The shrine at Fatima has become one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the Catholic Church, drawing millions of visitors each year. The canonization of Francisco and Jacinta Marto in 2017, on the centenary of the apparitions, further underscores the significance of the events at Fatima and the heroic virtue of the children who witnessed them.


The prophetic elements of the Fatima message, particularly those concerning the spread of communism and the need for prayer and penance, remain relevant today. Although the Soviet Union has fallen, the errors of atheistic materialism and moral relativism continue to influence the modern world, and the call to conversion is as urgent now as it was in 1917.


Moreover, the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which was central to the message of Fatima, has only grown in importance. As the world grapples with social, political, and spiritual crises, the faithful are reminded that true peace cannot be found in political or worldly solutions alone but through a return to God, prayer, and a life of virtue. The call to consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary invites us to seek her maternal guidance and protection, knowing that she will always lead us to her Son, Jesus Christ.


The practice of the Five First Saturdays Devotion, another key request from Our Lady of Fatima, has been embraced by Catholics worldwide as a means of reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart. This devotion serves not only as a reminder of the importance of personal conversion and penance but also as an invitation to participate in the larger work of redemption, offering our prayers and sacrifices for the salvation of others.


The Fatima Prophecies: A Timely Warning


The prophetic nature of the Fatima apparitions cannot be overlooked. Our Lady’s warnings about the spread of Russia’s errors, which many associate with the rise of communism and atheism, were tragically fulfilled in the 20th century. The persecution of the Church in Eastern Europe, the brutal suppression of religious freedom, and the moral decline that accompanied the spread of secular ideologies were all foreseen in the Fatima message.


However, the prophecies of Fatima are not only concerned with global politics and societal upheavals; they also address the personal dimension of salvation. Our Lady’s request for prayer, especially the Rosary, and her call for personal conversion resonate with every believer, reminding us of the spiritual battle that is constantly being waged in our souls. The vision of hell shown to the children is a stark reminder of the reality of eternal damnation, a fate that can be avoided through God’s grace, prayer, and a life of repentance.


In the second secret of Fatima, Our Lady spoke of a coming period of peace, contingent upon humanity’s response to her requests. While the world continues to face challenges, the peace she promised remains attainable for those who turn to God in faith. Thus, Christians must war against moral decay and spiritual indifference.


The Witnesses of Faith: Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta


At the heart of the Fatima story are the three shepherd children: Lucia dos Santos and her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto. Their profound faith and obedience to Our Lady’s message, despite persecution and ridicule, serve as powerful examples for all Christians. Francisco and Jacinta, who died as children shortly after the apparitions, are models of holiness and heroic virtue for us today.


Francisco, in particular, was known for his deep desire to console the “Hidden Jesus” in the Eucharist, spending long hours in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. His contemplative spirit and love for Christ’s sacrificial love stand as a reminder of the importance of Eucharistic devotion in the life of every Catholic. Jacinta, though younger, displayed remarkable spiritual maturity, offering many sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and showing a deep understanding of the gravity of sin and the need for reparation.


Lucia, the oldest of the three children, lived a long life in the service of the Church, entering the Carmelite Order and continuing to spread the message of Fatima. Her memoirs and writings have been instrumental in documenting the apparitions and ensuring that the message of Fatima reached the entire world. Her cause for canonization was opened in 2008, further emphasizing the Church’s recognition of her sanctity and the importance of her role in the Fatima apparitions.


Miracles Associated with Fatima


While the Miracle of the Sun is the most well-known supernatural event associated with Fatima, it is not the only miraculous occurrence. Over the years, many pilgrims who have visited the shrine at Fatima have reported healings, conversions, and other extraordinary graces. The intercession of Our Lady of Fatima has been invoked in countless cases of illness, both physical and spiritual, with many attributing their recovery to her powerful prayers.


One such miracle is the case of Sister Lucia’s niece, Maria Emilia dos Santos, who suffered from a severe case of meningitis. In 1946, after her parents prayed for the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima, Maria Emilia was miraculously healed, even after doctors had given up hope. This healing was recognized by the Church as a miraculous event and is one of many examples of Our Lady’s maternal care for those who seek her help.


The shrine at Fatima itself is a testament to the enduring power of the miraculous. Since the apparitions, it has become a place of pilgrimage for millions of people from around the world, many of whom come seeking spiritual renewal and healing. The countless stories of conversion and grace experienced by those who visit Fatima speak to the ongoing significance of the events that occurred there over a century ago.


A Call to Action: Living the Message of Fatima


The Miracle of the Sun and the message of Our Lady of Fatima are not simply relics of the past; they are calls to action for every believer today. The urgency of Our Lady’s message remains relevant, as the world continues to struggle with sin, war, and moral confusion. Her request for prayer, penance, and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is not optional but is a path to peace and salvation for individuals and for the world.


One of the most practical ways to respond to the message of Fatima is through the daily recitation of the Rosary. Our Lady specifically asked for the Rosary to be prayed for the conversion of sinners and for peace, and this devotion has been emphasized by countless saints and popes throughout history. Pope Pius XII, who was deeply devoted to Our Lady of Fatima, called the Rosary a “weapon” against the evils of the world.


In addition to the Rosary, the Five First Saturdays Devotion is a powerful way to live out the message of Fatima. By attending Mass, receiving Holy Communion, reciting the Rosary, and meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary for fifteen minutes on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, believers offer reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and participate in the redemptive work of Christ. This devotion, which was directly requested by Our Lady, remains a vital way for Catholics to respond to her call.




The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima stands as one of the most extraordinary events in modern Church history. Its significance extends beyond the miraculous phenomenon itself to the profound spiritual message that accompanied it—a message of hope, conversion, and the urgent need for prayer and penance. The Fatima apparitions remind us that God is actively involved in human history and that the Blessed Virgin Mary, as our heavenly mother, continues to intercede for us and guide us toward her Son, Jesus Christ.


As we reflect on the Miracle of the Sun and the message of Fatima, we are called to renew our commitment to the Gospel, to live lives of holiness, and to pray fervently for the conversion of sinners and the peace of the world. The message of Fatima is not confined to a single moment in history; it is a timeless call to action that remains as relevant today as it was over a century ago. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima, may we respond with faith, hope, and love, trusting in her promise that in the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph.



-De Marchi, John. The True Story of Fatima. Fatima: Immaculate Heart Publications, 1952. 

-Martindale, Cyril C. The Message of Fatima. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1947. 

-Zimdars-Swartz, Sandra L. Encountering Mary. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991.


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